Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our New Name

After pondering the name we finally have it: Institute School. Here is what we based the name on:

An institute is a permanent organizational body created for a certain purpose. Often it is a research organization (research institution) created to do research on specific topics. An institute can also be a professional body.

In some countries institutes can be part of a university or other institution of higher education, either as a group of departments or an autonomous educational institution without a classic full university status such as a University Institute.

The word comes from the Latin word institutum meaning facility or habit; from instituere meaning build, create, raise or educate.

Since we are building a family, creating a love of learning, raising children, and educating all of them it just seemed fitting. We decided using the latin form would just confuse everyone. Anyway, now we can fill out our paperwork for the year. Who knows now that we have a name we might have to get some cool T-shirts!